
Cov khoom

Tag Nrho Cov Kev Pab Cuam Tshuam Nrog LED Brightening Concealer Cream Private Label

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Lub concealer tshwj xeeb tsim los thaiv cov tawv nqaij tawv tshaj plaws ntawm lub ntsej muag & lub cev.

Waterproof tag nrho kev pab them nqi rau tej yam tsis zoo uas koj xav kom npog- tsaus voj voog nyob rau hauv lub qhov muag, hnub nyoog me ntsis, tattoos, bruises, pob txuv, nti, liab, hyperpigmentation.

Muaj cov tones daj thiab paj yeeb, uas tuaj yeem ua ke ywj pheej raws li cov tawv nqaij thiab cov blemishes kom ua tiav cov nyhuv pleev tiag tiag thiab ntuj tsim.Nrog LED hmo ntuj teeb, koj tuaj yeem kov cov pleev txhua lub sijhawm, nyob qhov twg.

  • Khoom npe:3 Xim Concealer Cream
  • Hom tawv nqaij:Oily, sib tov, qhuav, li qub
  • Yam khoom:Cream
  • Kev pab them nqi:puv
  • Hom tiav:Matte
  • Qauv:Qauv: MD-0003
  • Product Detail


    Khoom cim npe

    Kho koj lub ntsej muag mus rau qhov kawg concealer palette hauv peb xim kho qhov ntxoov ntxoo.Customizable los tsim koj zoo tagnrho ntxoov ntxoo los npog imperfections lub teeb yuag mis glides rau ib tug ultra-smooth tiav thiab tawm ntawm daim tawv nqaij zoo li mos thiab supple.

    Net nyhav: 9.6g

    04 ib


    3 Xim Kho Concealer Cream:Cov khoom no nta 3 xim kho cov concealers kws txawj xaiv los ua hauj lwm ua ke kom zais qhov teeb meem.

    Kho thiab zais:Yog tias koj muaj qhov liab ntawm koj lub ntsej muag, xav kom koj lub ntsej muag ci los yog koj xav tias npub hauv qee qhov chaw, ces koj xav tau qhov concealer no los pab koj daws cov teeb meem no.

    Yooj yim:Muaj lub teeb ci LED hmo ntuj nyob ib puag ncig daim iav npog, txawm tias koj nyob hauv qhov tsaus ntuj, koj tuaj yeem kov koj cov pleev txhua lub sijhawm yam tsis muaj kev txhawj xeeb txog koj cov pleev.

    Kev Ua Phem Dawb:Peb ntseeg tias tsiaj nyob hauv peb txhais tes, tsis yog nyob rau hauv chav kuaj;Peb tsis kuaj ib yam ntawm peb cov khoom ntawm cov tsiaj.

    01 (3)

    Yuav thov li cas:

    Yog tias koj xav tau kov tom qab koj twb tau siv lub hauv paus pleev, ces koj xav tau kev pab los ntawm concealer.

    1 + 2:Siv cov ntxoov ntxoo 1 thiab 2 nrog koj lub ntsis ntiv tes, muab lawv, siv rau lub teeb liab thiab lub teeb xim av tsis zoo, tom qab ntawd kis tusyees nrog txhuam txhuam.Yog tias koj xav kom muaj qhov ci ntsa iab, koj tuaj yeem siv cov txheej txheem saum toj no.

    2 + 3:Siv cov ntxoov ntxoo 2 thiab 3 nrog koj lub ntsis ntiv tes, sib tov sib npaug, siv rau cov pob liab liab, thiab siv ob peb zaug nrog cov txhuam hniav kom pom kev.

    1 + 3:Siv qhov ntxoov ntxoo 1 thiab 3 nrog koj lub ntsis ntiv tes, muab lawv, thiab siv rau hauv qab qhov muag lossis qhov tsaus ntuj kom pom kev zoo.

    Koj yuav pom tias peb cov concealer yog moisturizing heev thaum lub sij hawm thov, yog li koj tsis tas yuav txhawj txog nws qhuav heev ntawm koj lub ntsej muag.Nws blends zoo kawg nkaus nrog koj lub hauv paus pleev kom zoo nkauj dua.

    Daim ntawv pov thawj topfeelbeauty

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Topfeel Kev Zoo Nkaujyog thawj cov tshuaj pleev ib ce tsim & lag luam wholesale pleev tus muag khoom.Peb muaj 2 lub Hoobkas thiab cov chaw tsim khoom nyob hauv Guangzhou / Zhuhai, Guangdong.

    Q:Yuav tiv tauj koj li cas?

    A: Below each product and on the right side of the website, there will be an entry for sending message. Please kindly fill in your contact information and inquiry there or email directly to, we will contact you as soon as possible. Due to the time difference, the reply may be delayed, please wait with patience :

    Q: Kuv puas tuaj yeem tau txais cov qauv rau kev kuaj?

    A: Tau kawg, thov xa lus los qhia peb cov qauv koj xav tau!Xim tshuaj pleev ib ce, kho tawv nqaij thiab cov cuab yeej zoo nkauj tsis muaj teeb meem.

    Q: Cov khoom no puas muaj kev nyab xeeb?

    A: Peb yog GMP thiab ISO22716 muaj ntawv pov thawj kev tsim khoom, muab kev pabcuam OEM / ODM, tuaj yeem kho cov qauv tshiab contarct manufacturing.Tag nrho peb cov mis ua raws li EU/FDA Regulation, Tsis muaj Paraben, Cruelty Free, Vegan thiab lwm yam. Tag nrho cov mis muaj peev xwm muab MSDS rau txhua yam khoom.



    Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb