Chifukwa chiyani ili yapadera?
Mpaka pano, zimadziwika kuti kuyeretsa kwakukulu ndi kutulutsa mpweya sikungatheke ndi manja okha kapena thaulo.Ndipamene maburashi oyeretsa kumaso amabwera.
Chifukwa chake poyankha nkhawazi, tidapanga burashi yotsuka kumaso iyi.
● Ziphuphu zotambasulidwa pofuna kuyeretsa kwambiri nkhope.Amalowa mosavuta m'ming'alu yozungulira mphuno kuti athandize kutulutsa, blackheads ndi dothi komanso kufewetsa mbali iliyonse ya nkhope.
● Mutu wa burashi wozungulira ndi waukulu umagwirizana bwino ndi mawonekedwe a nkhope.Chinyezi chimasanduka nthunzi msanga mukachigwiritsa ntchito.
● Kuwonjezera pa kuyeretsa tsiku ndi tsiku, tikakhala ndi nkhawa kuti zodzoladzola zatsalira kumaso, tingagwiritsenso ntchito burashiyi kuti itithandize kuchotsa zodzoladzola mwaukhondo.
Kodi ntchito?
Mukamatsuka nkhope yanu ndi chotsuka, ngati ikumva yakuda, mutha kugwiritsa ntchito burashi iyi yotsuka quartz kuyeretsa ngodya iliyonse ya nkhope yanu.
Mukachotsa zodzoladzola, mutha kugwiritsanso ntchito burashi ili kuti muyeretsenso kachiwiri kuti muchotse zotsalira zilizonse.
Topfeel Kukongolandi Wopanga zodzoladzola Zoyambirira & Wogulitsa zodzoladzola.Tili ndi mafakitale 2 ndipo maziko opanga ali ku Guangzhou/Zhuhai, Guangdong.
Q:Kodi mungalumikizane nanu bwanji?
A: Below each product and on the right side of the website, there will be an entry for sending message. Please kindly fill in your contact information and inquiry there or email directly to, we will contact you as soon as possible. Due to the time difference, the reply may be delayed, please wait with patience :
Q: Kodi ndingapeze zitsanzo zoyezetsa?
A: Inde, chonde tumizani uthenga kuti mutiuze zitsanzo zomwe mukufuna!Zida zodzikongoletsera zamtundu, skincare ndi kukongola palibe vuto.
Q: Kodi zinthu izi ndi zotetezeka?
A: Ndife GMP ndi ISO22716 satifiketi kupanga, kupereka OEM / ODM utumiki, akhoza makonda kupanga mawonekedwe atsopano contact.Fomula yathu yonse imagwirizana ndi EU/FDA Regulation, No Paraben, Cruelty Free, Vegan etc. Fomula yonse imatha kupereka MSDS pachinthu chilichonse.