1. Mafuta a mpendadzuwa:Imalimbitsa sebum, imayendetsa madzi ndi mafuta
2. Mafuta a tiyi:Kuteteza ndi kudyetsa, imathandizira kagayidwe
3. Mafuta a Jojoba:Chigawo chamafuta chomwe chilipo m'chilengedwe chokhala ndi mawonekedwe ofanana kwambiri ndi sebum, chimasungunula zopakapaka zopepuka ndi dothi kumaso, kumasula pores ndikusungunula mitu yakuda yopangidwa ndi mapulagi amafuta.
4. Mafuta a zipatso aku Mauritius:Anti-oxidation, moisturizing ndi kukonza epidermis
5. Mafuta a Mbeu ya Maluwa a White Pond:Lili ndi zoposa 98% za mafuta amtundu wautali omwe ali ndi anti-oxidant;adzapereka mafuta zidulo zofunika pa khungu chotchinga
6. Mafuta a Oat Kernel:Moisturizes ndi chakudya khungu, kukana tcheru kuyabwa
7. White maluwa chamomile mafuta:Anti-oxidation ndi anti-kukalamba, yapamwamba komanso yopatsa thanzi
8. Mafuta a Shea:Moisturizes kwambiri, kubwezeretsa khungu lonyezimira ndi zotanuka
Topfeel Kukongolandi Wopanga zodzoladzola Zoyambirira & Wogulitsa zodzoladzola.Tili ndi mafakitale 2 ndipo maziko opanga ali ku Guangzhou/Zhuhai, Guangdong.
Q:Kodi mungalumikizane nanu bwanji?
A: Below each product and on the right side of the website, there will be an entry for sending message. Please kindly fill in your contact information and inquiry there or email directly to beauty@topfeelgroup.com, we will contact you as soon as possible. Due to the time difference, the reply may be delayed, please wait with patience :
Q: Kodi ndingapeze zitsanzo zoyezetsa?
A: Inde, chonde tumizani uthenga kuti mutiuze zitsanzo zomwe mukufuna!Zida zodzikongoletsera zamtundu, skincare ndi kukongola palibe vuto.
Q: Kodi zinthu izi ndi zotetezeka?
A: Ndife GMP ndi ISO22716 satifiketi kupanga, kupereka OEM / ODM utumiki, akhoza makonda kupanga mawonekedwe atsopano contact.Fomula yathu yonse imagwirizana ndi EU/FDA Regulation, No Paraben, Cruelty Free, Vegan etc. Fomula yonse imatha kupereka MSDS pachinthu chilichonse.