Mvura, parafini yemvura, TheOBROMACAO inobvisa, propylene glycol, glycerin, nicotinamide, whale wax lipseol, buttermumum Parki1) mafuta emichero, nyanga sharkane, glycerin lipidate, PEG-100 yakaoma fatty acid Essence, neuride 3, hydroxyetohyl, hydroxyetohyl, hydroxyetohyl, polyshan peorne doro-60, beet (beta vulgaris) midzi inobvisa, Chenopodium Quinoa mbeu inobvisa Dendrobium Nobile extract, macropystis Pyrifra extract, ACADAMIA TERNIFOLIA mhodzi yemafuta, Limnanthesalba mhodzi yemafuta, lignol -alcoholin, dehydrum hypoglycoside, doro dehydrated, doro remvura, dehydrum hypoglycoside, doro. , Lylisol, sodium hyaluronate, luminoside, 3-0-ethyl-based anti-hemorrite, Aphanothece Sacrum polysaccharides, caobham, sodium acrylic/acrylic/acrylic sodium taurine, sodium taurine Polymer, peard tannerite, polyshan sorol-80.pca sodium, omitlain , benzhenylthone, 1,2-hexyl glycol.
Kushandisa sei:
Mushure mekuchenesa uye kuzorodza mangwanani uye manheru, shandisa chiyero chakakodzera chechigadzirwa ichi kumeso zvakaenzana, shandira pamwe nenzira yemassage, zvinyoro nyoro kusvika kunyura, uye wotevera matanho anotevera ekuchengetedza ganda.
1. Usatarisa maziso ako.Kana iwe ukangoerekana wapinda mumaziso ako, sukurudza pakarepo nemvura;
2. Usashandisa dermatitis uye kukuvara kweganda;
3. Paunenge uchishandisa ganda rakaoma, unogona kuva nehanya mukati memaoko kutanga.Kuedzwa kwenzvimbo, inogona kushandiswa sekunge pasina allergies mushure memaminitsi gumi nemashanu.
Nzira yekuchengetedza:
1. Chengetedza munzvimbo inotonhorera uye yakaoma;
2. Ndapota chiise munzvimbo dzisina vana.
Topfeel Beautyndeye Yekutanga cosmetics kugadzira & Wholesale makeup mutengesi.Tine mafekitori maviri uye hwaro hwekugadzira huri muGuangzhou/Zhuhai, Guangdong.
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Q: Ndinogona kuwana sampuli dzekuongororwa?
A: Ehe, ndapota tumira meseji kuti utiudze masampuli aunoda!Colour cosmetic, skincare uye runako maturusi hapana dambudziko.
Q: Zvigadzirwa izvi hazvina njodzi here?
A: Isu tiri GMP uye ISO22716 certificate kugadzirwa, kupa OEM/ODM sevhisi, inogona kugadzirisa mafomula matsva ekugadzira.Yese fomula yedu inoenderana neEU / FDA Regulation, Hapana Paraben, Hutsinye Husina, Vegan etc. Yese fomula inogona kupa MSDS kune chimwe nechimwe chinhu.