【Kuchengeta kaviri】
Moisturizing lip gloss ine maitiro maviri, izvo zvinogona kuita kuti miromo yako izere nehunyoro.Manheru, sefirimu yemiromo inorara, chigumisiro chichaita kuti miromo yako iwedzere uye yakanyorova.Uyezve, mukati mezuva, kana iwe ukaiisa pane yakajairwa lip gloss, unogona pakarepo kubudisa miromo yakanaka uye yakazara.
【Natural formula】
Formula yedu yese ndeye vegan & hutsinye-isina.
【Isina kunamira uye inonyorovesa】
Chiedza chemhando, yakatsetseka uye ine creamy luster, asi kwete inonamira.
Topfeel Beautyndeye Yekutanga cosmetics kugadzira & Wholesale makeup mutengesi.Tine mafekitori maviri uye hwaro hwekugadzira huri muGuangzhou/Zhuhai, Guangdong.
Q:Ndokubata sei?
A: Below each product and on the right side of the website, there will be an entry for sending message. Please kindly fill in your contact information and inquiry there or email directly to beauty@topfeelgroup.com, we will contact you as soon as possible. Due to the time difference, the reply may be delayed, please wait with patience :
Q: Ndinogona kuwana sampuli dzekuongororwa?
A: Ehe, ndapota tumira meseji kuti utiudze masampuli aunoda!Colour cosmetic, skincare uye runako maturusi hapana dambudziko.
Q: Zvigadzirwa izvi hazvina njodzi here?
A: Isu tiri GMP uye ISO22716 certificate kugadzirwa, kupa OEM/ODM sevhisi, inogona kugadzirisa mafomula matsva ekugadzira.Yese fomula yedu inoenderana neEU / FDA Regulation, Hapana Paraben, Hutsinye Husina, Vegan etc. Yese fomula inogona kupa MSDS kune chimwe nechimwe chinhu.