

Skin Care Seta mvura, Ziso Cream, Moisturizing Lotion / Cream, uye Zvimwe

Tsanangudzo Pfupi:

Hutsinye-isina, vegan uye 100% yemahara kubva kuPhthalates, Parabens, Nonylphenol, Ethoxylates, Triclosan, Triclocarban, uye Hydroquinone.

Hazvina mhosva kuti uripi, iyi sutu yekutarisira ganda inogona kubatsira chiso chako kunwa mvura yakazara uye kuchengetedza yakanakisa mamiriro.

  • Product Name:Skin Care Set yechiso, maziso
  • Skin Type:Zvose
  • Chinhu Form:Cream/Liquid
  • Zvibereko zvechigadzirwa:Moisturizing, Kugadzirisa
  • Product Detail


    Product Tags

    Nezve Skin Care Set

    * Zvigadzirwa zvemarudzi ese eganda

    * Inofambiswa nemidziyo inoda ganda

    * Yemhando yepamusoro mafomula pamitengo yekuwana-chaiyo



    Phthalates, parabens, nonylphenol ethoxylates, triclosan, triclocarban, uye hydroquinone.

    • 100% VEGAN UYE Hutsinye-HUSINA

    Kudada kuve vegan uye vasina hutsinye, pasirese.Nokuti mutsa chic.


    Face Lotion: Yakareruka, isiri-girizi fomula iyo inooneka hydrates & inopenya ganda & inobatsira kusimba ganda & kuderedza zviratidzo zvekutora mifananidzo.

    Eye Bright Cream: Ichi chinyoro chemaziso chinonyorovesa chinobva pavhitamini C, caffeine, hyaluronic acid, nezvimwewo zvakapfuma mune antioxidants, izvo zvinogona kubatsira kuderedza makwinya eziso.

    seti yekuchengeta ganda (4)

  • Zvakapfuura:
  • Zvinotevera:

  • Topfeel Beautyndeye Yekutanga cosmetics kugadzira & Wholesale makeup mutengesi.Tine mafekitori maviri uye hwaro hwekugadzira huri muGuangzhou/Zhuhai, Guangdong.

    Q:Ndokubata sei?

    A: Below each product and on the right side of the website, there will be an entry for sending message. Please kindly fill in your contact information and inquiry there or email directly to, we will contact you as soon as possible. Due to the time difference, the reply may be delayed, please wait with patience :

    Q: Ndinogona kuwana sampuli dzekuongororwa?

    A: Ehe, ndapota tumira meseji kuti utiudze masampuli aunoda!Colour cosmetic, skincare uye runako maturusi hapana dambudziko.

    Q: Zvigadzirwa izvi hazvina njodzi here?

    A: Isu tiri GMP uye ISO22716 certificate kugadzirwa, kupa OEM/ODM sevhisi, inogona kugadzirisa mafomula matsva ekugadzira.Yese fomula yedu inoenderana neEU / FDA Regulation, Hapana Paraben, Hutsinye Husina, Vegan etc. Yese fomula inogona kupa MSDS kune chimwe nechimwe chinhu.



    Nyora meseji yako pano uye titumire kwatiri