Topfeel Beautynyaéta pabrik kosmétik Asli & ngajual makeup Grosir.Kami gaduh 2 pabrik sareng pangkalan produksi aya di Guangzhou / Zhuhai, Guangdong.
Q:Kumaha ngahubungan anjeun?
A: Below each product and on the right side of the website, there will be an entry for sending message. Please kindly fill in your contact information and inquiry there or email directly to, we will contact you as soon as possible. Due to the time difference, the reply may be delayed, please wait with patience :
Q: Dupi abdi tiasa meunang sampel pikeun nguji?
A: Tangtosna, mangga ngirim pesen pikeun ngabejaan urang sampel nu peryogi!Kosmétik warna, perawatan kulit sareng alat kageulisan teu aya masalah.
Q: Naha produk ieu aman?
A: Kami GMP sareng ISO22716 pabrik sertipikat, nawiskeun jasa OEM / ODM, tiasa ngaropea manufaktur contarct rumus anyar.Sadaya rumus urang sasuai jeung EU / Peraturan FDA, No Paraben, Cruelty Free, Vegan jsb Sadaya rumus tiasa nawiskeun MSDS pikeun tiap item.