Imboni yethu yezimonyo izokwenza izivivinyo ezilandelayo lapho ikhiqiza iqoqo ngalinye le-lipstick.
Isinyathelo sokuqalaukwahlulela ukuthi iyahlangabezana yini nezidingo zamakhasimende omkhiqizo ngombala, ukucwebezela noma iphunga;
Isinyathelo sesibiliwukusebenzisa amathuluzi ochwepheshe ukuthola ukuthi izinkomba ze-microbial ku-lipstick zifanelekile yini;
Isinyathelo sesithathuiwukuhlola ukuthi ingabe iqukethe izakhi zensimbi ezisindayo njenge-mercury, i-lead, ne-arsenic;
Isinyathelo sesineukwenza ukuhlolwa kombala.
I-Topfeel Beauty inikeza izinketho zemibala edonsa amehlo isikhathi eside, izinkulungwane zamafomula, kuphela ukwenza imikhiqizo yezimonyo ephephile nephumelelayo.Kungakhathaliseki ukuthi imikhiqizo yamehlo, imikhiqizo yezindebe noma imikhiqizo yobuso, ukuthungwa, izinto zokupakisha, ithoni yombala, njll. kungenziwa ngendlela oyifisayo.
Ama-esters e-Jojoba anezakhiwo ezivuselelayo;
I-Vitamin E inemisebenzi yokuvuselela isikhumba, ukwenza mhlophe, i-anti-oxidation kanye nokubambezela ukuguga kwesikhumba.
Zizwele Nobuhleungumkhiqizi wezimonyo zoqobo kanye nomdayisi wezimonyo we-Wholesale.Sinezimboni ezi-2 futhi isizinda sokukhiqiza sitholakala eGuangzhou/Zhuhai, eGuangdong.
Q:Ungakuthinta kanjani?
A: Below each product and on the right side of the website, there will be an entry for sending message. Please kindly fill in your contact information and inquiry there or email directly to, we will contact you as soon as possible. Due to the time difference, the reply may be delayed, please wait with patience :
Q: Ngingakwazi ukuthola amasampula okuhlolwa?
IMP: Yebo, sicela uthumele umlayezo ukuze usitshele amasampula owadingayo!Izimonyo zombala, amathuluzi okunakekela isikhumba nawobuhle akunankinga.
Q: Ingabe le mikhiqizo iphephile?
A: Singabakhi be-GMP kanye ne-ISO22716 enesitifiketi, sinikeza isevisi ye-OEM/ODM, singenza ngokwezifiso ukukhiqizwa kwefomula entsha yokuxhumana.Yonke ifomula yethu ihambisana ne-EU/FDA Regulation, No Paraben, Cruelty Free, Vegan njll. Yonke ifomula inganikeza i-MSDS entweni ngayinye.